
Join us for professional development and networking

Our upcoming events

ELTAU e.V. organises a programme of talks and workshops covering a spectrum of language, learning and communication skills in General English, Business English and English for Specific Purposes. Additionally we offer professional development workshops on areas such as marketing yourself, meeting clients’ needs and freelance working.
These are typically 3 hours long and take place online or in Ulm, subject to current conditions.
Similar events organised by other associations in the network are also open to ELTAU members.
Information and lesson swaps, and informal gatherings give our members the chance to get to know others in their teaching community and learn from peers.
Here’s what’s coming up: 

Inter-ELTA events

With your ELTAU e.V. membership you are welcome to attend events at our partners throughout Germany under the same conditions as local members of that ELTA association. 

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