03 Feb

Navigating Failure

  • 10:00 am
  • vh Ulm. Kornhausgasse

'Fail fast, fail often.' 'Celebrating failure.' 'Embracing smart failure in a rapidly changing world.' These popular mantras have become the north star of tech start ups and the subject of countless self- help books. But beyond the catchy slogans, how can we truly embrace failure and learn from setbacks in our work and private lives? Through a blend of interactive exercises, group discussions and fresh perspectives on the science of failing, this workshop will explore our relationship with failure and provide a systematic framework to help us fail well. Workshop facilitator Jeff has been involved in the field of learning and development for over twenty years. He is the founder and Managing Director of growwerk, a training and coaching company based in Munich. Jeff is a certified coach, soft skills trainer and proudly holds an unofficial certificate in Failing. www.growwerk.com